The Importance of Boundaries (From a Human Design Reader’s Perspective):

Aura, Energy Field, Energy Body, Energetic Dynamics, Energy, Auric Field, Enmeshed, Field, Interaction, Connection, Nature, Meditation, Woman, Rock, Sit on rock, Meditate in nature

Our personal energy field, or aura, extends several feet beyond our physical body.

When we come into contact with others physically (or communicate with them in any way), our energies become enmeshed. There are now two different elements coming into contact, and they'll each have unique reactions.

In human design, there are defining gates, channels, and centers that give us our special gifts and characteristics. When we're in contact with another, our open (or undefined) gates, channels, and centers become energetically affected. While this shows the beauty of connection and the potential of collaboration with others, it also creates a sense of pressure to do, act, or be like the person with those defined centers. This sense of ‘should’ is called conditioning, and being around it regularly can be very draining. Making choices from a non-self place leaves us feeling dissatisfied, angry, bitter, or disappointed.

Human Design, Centers, Gates, Bodygraph, Rave Mandala, Human design chart, human design reading, open centers, defined centers, authentic self, unique energy, soul blueprint

But, when we really KNOW who we are deep down, we learn to pick up on these subtle (or not so subtle!) energies. We begin to see what qualities of other people we’re taking on- and that's one of many reasons I love human design. It gives us the literal blueprint to our soul. We're built this way for a reason, and being in alignment gives you a clear vibration (or energetic signal) that attracts what you're seeking in life and keeps you on track with your purpose. 

Happy Friendships and Relationships, healthy interactions, healthy communication, open communication, acceptance, giving space, happy

Back to Boundaries:

In short, we're taking in the energy of others around us, whether it’s intentional or not. It can be obvious or subtle, and it affects some more than others. That’s why setting personal boundaries is so important. If you're feeling too much pressure to NOT be yourself, especially if it's making you unwell, it's time to take a break. Of course we should do this kindly, because it often happens on a subconscious level! Sometimes we just need to cleanse our energy field of others’ energies to feel like our selves again (thank you, polarity therapy!) Sometimes it helps us think or see how we really feel. It helps us regain homeostasis, and that’s something that should be respected! Especially if you're kind about it and that person wishes you well. For me, an angry reaction to setting a healthy boundary is a red flag in any relationship.

Are you interested in uncovering your deepest, most authentic self? Ready to release the stored pain and tension of negative interactions and toxic relationships? Use the code ALIGN20 for 20% off a Human Design Reading or Polarity Therapy Session


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