Understanding Your Child’s Energy Type Pt.2

Energy Type

In part one of Understanding Your Child’s Energy Type, we revealed some helpful insights as to parenting Manifestor and Manifesting Generator children. In this post we’ll be discussing Projectors, Reflectors and Generators! In a parenting dynamic, knowing your energy types is crucial to learning how you both operate, and the energetic roles that surface in your parent-child relationship. Bringing the details of your child’s energy type to their awareness will give them a deeper understanding of their own nature, and learn how to live in alignment with their design. Below is a brief description of the role of each type:


Projectors are here to serve as guides to the other types. They have a broad and unique perspective that allows them to see more deeply into a situation or person’s trajectory, and give guidance to help ensure things go smoothly. These types bring efficiency wherever they go. As children, it's important for Projectors to have a supportive environment that encourages them to share their insights and develop their leadership skills. If their insights prove helpful, let them know! Projectors thrive when they feel appreciated, and their ‘Not-Self’ theme of bitterness kicks in when they don’t. This feeling is meant to redirect them to people that will appreciate their insights, and encourage them to become very knowledgable about their passions. It’s likely certain things come naturally to your child, and those things should be celebrated- Projectors are meant to become an authority in their chosen field. When this aura of authority is created, and they are in the right environment, people will sense their knowledge and the capacity of their insight, and place them in a position to share it. Because Projectors invest so much energy into seeing deeply into things, it’s important for them to have alone time to recharge. They shouldn’t be expected to have the powerful energy supply of sacral beings- many human design experts state that adult projectors are only meant to physically work 2-3 hours per day!

Here are some helpful tips for Projectors of any age- 

  • Wait for an invitation before offering your advice or guidance.

  • Take time to rest and recharge regularly, as you are more sensitive to energy than other types.

  • Develop a deep understanding of your strengths and how to use them to help others achieve their goals.


Reflectors are here to serve as ‘communal mirrors’ for our society. They reflect back their current environment so that we can see what is/isn’t working, so that we can then make the necessary adjustments. As children, it's important for Reflectors to have the freedom to explore and express themselves in a variety of ways, without feeling pressured to conform to societal norms. They are constantly sampling other people’s energies, and can take on the traits of others around them. They’re also affected heavily by Lunar transits, which will highlight or compound upon the authentic traits in their Design throughout the month. Ideally, Reflector children should be taught that the energies they pick up from others are not their own, and how to distinguish between the two. It’s important for them to find healthy ways to recenter themselves, and ground their energy when they’re feeling off. If you have a Reflector child that is frequently disappointed (the ‘Not Self’ theme for Reflectors), it can be helpful to have a heart-to-heart conversation with them about their current environments and the people in their life to see what energies they are picking up on. Teach them to become curious if that feeling arises, and that it’s meant to redirect them onto something better for them. If encouraged to share their insights, they will feel like an important, impactful and valued family member- something that is incredibly beneficial (and true) for these sensitive souls. Reflectors are meant to be pleasantly surprised by life, embracing the good of humanity and improving things when needed. Because there are no defined centers in their chart, they in themselves do not have a consistent, powerhouse energy supply like the Generators and Manifesting Generators. However, they pick up and amplify the energy force of those they are around.

Here are some helpful tips for Reflectors of any age- 

  • Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, as you are highly influenced by your environment.

  • Take time to process your emotions and experiences, as you are more sensitive than other types.

  • Avoid making hasty decisions and take time to reflect and gather information before taking action.


Generators are the builders and doers of society. They are here to discover what lights them up and turn that into a career that they love. In this way, they’re playing with life while discovering who they are on a deeper level. As children, it's important for Generators to have a sense of purpose and opportunities to engage in activities that they enjoy and find meaningful. Because they are meant to interact and respond to life, it can be helpful for Generators to get in touch with their gut (sacral) response. Ideally, they should be encouraged to have faith that life will bring them lots of interesting things for them to respond to. If your Generator child often experiences the ‘Not-Self’ feeling of frustration, it’s because they are either overly committed to something not in alignment with their design, or because they are trying to initiate rather than respond. Generators often face conditioning to initiate like a manifestor, rather than waiting for the universe to bring them something or someone to respond to. However, it’s waiting to be ‘lit up’ by something that helps ensure that their timing for that particular endeavor is correct. It will also help them access their powerful energy supply, which lifts and energizes the people around them. Like Manifesting Generators, Generators have a powerful and consistent energy source that is designed to be exhausted before going to sleep at night. Physical activity is crucial for them!

Here are some helpful tips for Generators of any age- 

  • Trust your gut instincts and wait for clarity before taking action.

  • Say "yes" to opportunities that feel exciting and energizing, and "no" to those that don't.

  • Stay focused on what you are passionate about and avoid getting stuck in tasks or situations that drain your energy.

What’s Next

The information made available to us through Human Design is not meant to be limiting in any way. On the contrary, it is meant to break us free from ‘the norm’ of societal expectations that pressure us to conform to the masses. It’s my hope that this information will serve to illuminate the potential of our unique energetic blueprint by empowering our sense of self. We have certain interests and natural gifts for a reason! They help guide us to our life’s purpose.

Stay tuned for the next part of this series where we’ll discuss Aura types and Strategy- the way each type is designed to eliminate resistance in their endeavors (aka, succeed!) This essential knowledge provides so many helpful insights to nurture your child’s unique development.

My favorite Human Design Parenting Resource:


Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom of Polarity Therapy


Understanding Your child’s energy type