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Bringing Spiritual Awareness to parenting with human design

The beauty of the human design system is that it highlights our natural gifts and talents to celebrate our uniqueness. It teaches us to honor our energetic makeup- which is the ultimate form of self-love AND the path to success. Many different parts are needed to create the whole that is humanity, and learning human design allows us to collaborate with one another in a more cohesive, compassionate way. From a parenting perspective, this shift of awareness has the potential to catapult the advancement of our species. By understanding the different processes of the different energetic types, we’re able to create nourishing environments, conducive to reaching our maximum potential. Let’s dive into the most helpful components of Human Design from a parenting standpoint.

Free Human Design Chart Calculator

  • Energy Type- Learning your’s and your child’s energy type is crucial to understanding how you both operate, and the energetic roles that surface in your relationship. It also shows how we best serve others. Someone’s Energy Type shows you their…

  • Aura: Each energy type emits their own variation of the body’s energetic field. This field is actually in communication with others’ before we even say a word! 

  • Energy Cycles: Each Type also has its own ‘energetic cycle’, so to speak. Our level of physical energy differs among types, and it’s predictable in nature. Understanding this can help your child make the most of their unique energy by utilizing it effectively.

  • Strategy: In Human Design, the term ‘Strategy’ refers to each type’s method of reducing resistance. Encouraging your child to follow their type’s strategy will help them align with their life path and meet the correct people to collaborate with.

  • Authority- Authority in Human Design refers to the built-in, personal decision maker of your energetic makeup. Though we’re told to ‘think things through’ and make ‘mental-based decisions,’ following our unique authority helps align us to our path and purpose by ensuring that the timing is correct.

  • Profile- Your Profile in human design is the role that you play to fulfill your life’s purpose. While the Energy Type is the most important aspect of your chart to master, the profile provides insight to your child’s tendencies, inclinations, outlook and general approach to life. 

  • Incarnation Cross- The Incarnation Cross is a summary of our life’s purpose- what we came here to give others and how we contribute to society. The Incarnation Cross is something that naturally develops when we’re in alignment, and just gives an illuminating perspective on what your tiny human is here to accomplish!

Comparing Your Chart with Your Child’s

So now that you’ve attained the above information from your child’s chart, what’s next? It’s time to take a look at your own chart. See how the energy types are meant to interact with one another and be conscious of that. What are the greatest gifts your chart holds to parent your child? If your child is older, take a general inventory of where you clash- is it a common occurrence between different energy types? If so, helping them understand where you are both coming from (energetically) will educate them on the different types of people in the world. Learning how they’re meant to operate will help you nourish their personal development in a way that doesn’t seem stifling to either of you.

In this blog series, I'll be going over each of the above aspects in more detail. We’ll also look at how they impact children’s development. Stay tuned to learn how incredibly helpful Human Design can be in understanding and improving our parent-child communication and relationships!

My favorite Human Design parenting resource:

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